Augment General Counsel is a New South Wales Law Society licensed law firm insured by LawCover in Australia.

Our Centre of Law Department Excellence in the Philippines, is wholly owned by Augment General Counsel and staffed by our own fully qualified lawyers from the best law schools with in house experience and training. Our Centre of Law Department Excellence is located in a state of the art IT Park, where we share a building with other global firms such as IBM and Ernst & Young.

Augment General Counsel owns and operates a business consultancy firm in Singapore.

We apply our extensive commercial, legal, compliance, risk and governance knowledge and expertise gained throughout the Asia Pacific and Europe, to support and enhance our clients’ in-house legal departments and businesses. In doing so, our aim is to create additional value and give our clients competitive advantage.

We blend the best of all worlds; we are in-house lawyers, but out of house; we are a law firm in terms of licence and insurance, but not providing legal services in the old fashioned way that a traditional law firm might do; we are a legal offshorer, but not a volume document cruncher; we are business consultancy, but not disconnected from the world of legal, compliance, risk and governance.

Our service provides you with an alternative way to source legal, compliance, risk and governance services, other than via the traditional law firm providers or doing it all yourself in house.

Our fixed fee promise – as well as giving you cost certainty it makes us seek out continuous process efficiencies. We have a different cost structure to traditional law firms and so we can pass on our significant cost savings to you. That said, we won’t compromise on quality and we are always looking to drive continuous improvement and productivity.

High quality services charged at a reasonable and fixed price, delivered wherever possible in a standardised, systematised and packaged form.

Our success is founded upon people, pricing, excellence, process efficiency and technology enablement.

Our regional Asia Pacific operations make us ideally placed to fulfil our cost effective, quality and efficient service proposition. Our service locations assist your business to “follow the sun”.