Issuance of State Sharia Securities as Alternative Financing for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia [Brought to you by AYMP]

BY Marion Elisabeth, Ayu Novianti Kusuma Astuti |

Government of Republic of Indonesia (GoI) through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has recently issued state sharia securities (Surat Berharga Syariah Negara–SBSN) targeted for Indonesian individual investors, in the form of Sukuk savings (Sukuk Tabungan) series sT-003 (“ST-003”) on February 2019 and Government Retail Sukuk (Sukuk Negara Ritel) series sR-011 (“SR-011”) on March 2019. Pursuant to MoF Regulation no. 125 year 2018 on the Issuance of Retail sBsn, sT-003 and sR-011 are projects and assets based sukuk with underlying projects and assets as listed in 2019 state Budget and list of state-Owned Assets (Barang Milik Negara–BMN), hence aim to finance various government infrastructure as well as non-infrastructure projects. With the concept of asset-based investment, investing in sukuk is relatively low-risk since the GoI owns the underlying assets; meanwhile, from the government side, sukuk can be deemed as alternative financing from traditional reliance to state Budget to finance public infrastructure projects. Example of infrastructure projects financed by the issuance of sT-003 and sR-011 include Trans sulawesi railway (crossing Makassar- Pare-Pare) in south sulawesi, Petuk Kupang Bridge in East nusa Tenggara, and Regional Road of Tayan-Tanjung-sanggau in West Kalimantan.