White & Case has beefed up its capital markets practice in Japan by hiring three lawyers from Allen & Overy, including partner Norifusa Hashimoto.

Hashimoto, who was previously the co-head of A&O’s capital markets group in Japan, was joined by counsel Seiji Matsuzoe and associate Aya Kurahashi.

With more than 24 years of experience in the Japanese market and a reputation for debt and equity capital markets work, Hashimoto’s experience spans debt private placements and repackagings, structured finance and general securities, as well as various asset securitisations such as auto loan, lease and consumer loan receivables.

“Japan is an important strategic market for White & Case – our Tokyo office is our largest office in Asia with close to 100 lawyers and we are one of very few international firms with a full-service offering in Japan,” said Barrye Wall, head of Asia for White & Case, in a statement.  “Nori Hashimoto’s transactional practice will be a tremendous resource for our clients.”

All three lawyers are Japan-qualified bengoshi. ALB

Ranajit Dam is Southeast Asia Editor at ALB. Follow him on Twitter: @RanajitDam_ALB