Corrs Chambers Westgarth has recruited Thomas Jones from Mallesons Stephen Jaques as partner in its IP technology & competition group in Sydney.

Corrs has identified telecommunications and regulated access as growth areas and has recruited Jones who specialises in access to regulated infrastructure across a range of industries including telecommunications, airports, ports, rail, broadcasting and water. Jones has particular expertise in third party access issues and advises clients on competition law and the administrative law aspects of the operation of regulatory regimes.

While at Mallesons, Thomas advised Telstra on its applications to the ACCC for the exemption of core telecommunications services from declaration under the Trade Practices Act and successfully represented Telstra in subsequent proceedings in the Australian Competition Tribunal which sought to set aside those exemptions.

He also acted for Sydney Airport Corporation in its access dispute with Virgin Blue Airlines, one of only two access disputes under the Trade Practices Act to date. Thomas has also worked in foreign jurisdictions having advised the Government of Papua New Guinea on telecommunications regulatory reform.