Gilbert + Tobin and Freehills have joined Clayton Utz in contributing to aid organisations that are working in Haiti after the devastating earthquake that has killed at least 75,000. G+T partners have pledged A$50,000 to Doctors without Borders while Freehills and Clayton Utz are matching contributions from lawyers and staff.

“I know all of us are shocked by what has occurred in Haiti,” G+T managing partner Danny Gilbert wrote in an e-mail to staff. “Partners have decided to make a donation of A$50,000 to Médecins Sans Frontières – a long standing pro bono client of the firm.” Gilbert also encouraged staff to donate to the firm’s chosen charity.

Meanwhile, Freehills said it would match dollar for dollar contributions to a number of aid organisations. “Freehills has an enduring relationship with some of the major aid agencies, such as Medecins Sans Frontières, UNHCR, Oxfam and World Vision, which are currently active on the ground in Haiti,” a spokesperson said. “We match dollar for dollar all contributions and donations made through workplace giving to these charities.”

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