Madgwicks newest partner, Melbourne barrister David Galbally QC, said he will target the burgeoning financial services sector to boost the firm’s revenue. Having spent the last nine years as chair of the Transport Workers Union Superannuation Fund, Galbally is well-positioned to service the needs of the US$1.1trn superannuation industry.

“I think legal firms have enormous opportunity to expand and grow in emerging areas of the law, the financial services industry being one such area,” Galbally said. “Australia, in terms of the superannuation industry, is a world leader in providing compulsory superannuation for employees.”

Galbally said there are opportunities for legal work across the board, from governance, risk management and best corporate practices through to the prevention of litigation and, in the event of litigation, representation. “I think these are areas that are going to grow with time,” he said.

Australia sits fifth in total superannuation assets
Country Assets (US$bn)
US 13,196
Japan 3,152
UK 1,791
Canada 1,213
Australia 996