Marque Lawyers has taken to tweeting like a duck to water after successfully recruiting two summer clerks via Twitter.

Managing partner Michael Bradley said the firm had decided to “test the water” by trialling a Twitter campaign on law students. Overnight the firm saw an additional 500 followers on Twitter and during the week of the campaign they received more than 1,000 ‘tweets’ or messages. “We like to use the summer clerk campaign as an opportunity to test ideas,” said Bradley. “And students are pretty tolerant.”

During the week of the campaign Marque posted five questions to followers, including “Should it be Mel & Kochie, or Kochie & Mel?” and “Who’s your hero?”, the top tweeters each day were then invited to submit an application for the clerkships. Marque client GetUp! was so impressed by the campaign, they offered to fund an additional clerk to spend the summer working at the firm on their legal issues.

This is the second year Marque has taken a novel approach to recruiting summer clerks; last year candidates were asked to submit their application in an artistic form.

Bradley said that while most law students would never work at Marque, it was important for the firm that they know what Marque is.

Marque Lawyers operates on a non-hourly billing model, offering clients alternative billing options such as fixed-fee or retainer-based fees.

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