
Even as the regional economy recovers from the pandemic, the risk of disputes remains a major concern with issues emerging from supply chain disruptions, digital transformation, evolving ESG considerations and other factors. Having the best litigators on your side is thus critical, and the ALB Top 15 North Asia Litigators ranking spotlights some of the leading practitioners in Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea.

Can you tell us about a particularly challenging case you have handled in the past year or so?

It was a busy year for our commercial disputes practice. We acted in a large-scale international arbitration case with parallel proceedings in multiple jurisdictions, including Main-land China, Hong Kong, California, BVI and a Court in the EU. The stake exceeded USD100 million. Working with different legal teams across multiple jurisdictions was a privileged experience, as we had to synchronize strategies with top-notch legal teams working in different time zones and adjust the workplan to cater for circumstances in different battlefields. It was a challenging yet enjoyable experience. We are pleased to note that the overall strategy worked well for the client with successful result.

How do you stay up to date on the latest developments in the legal field, and how do you use this knowledge to benefit your clients?

Juggling between the needs of clients and management responsibilities of the firm are always challenging. That said, it is important to get ahead particularly in the knowledge of legal events, latest legal developments and trending legal stories. Fortunately, with the help of innovation and technology, we can sign up for daily news alerts to get curated content on customized practice areas which can be sent to mobile device or by email. This enables quick access to updates, breaking news, and current awareness that one needs to know in the legal field.

We have newsfeeds and client alerts via different social media platforms, so that we can keep our client updated with the latest legal developments in the fields of their interest.

How do you approach the process of preparing for a trial, and how would you describe your strategy for effectively presenting a client’s case in court?

Effective trial advocacy requires expertise in the relevant area of the law. A trial advocate should have the ability to cut through reams of pleadings, exhibits and transcripts to find the essence of the narrative that will persuade the court. Preparing for trial requires a deep understanding of the facts, a realistic assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of both parties’ case, the personality of witnesses, the style of the trial judge and the opposing counsel. It is essential for the legal team to present facts to the court that are compel-ling, and a good case theory can be helpful strategically.

Heidi Chui


Stevenson, Wong & Co.
39/F, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong 501, Central Tower, 28 Queen’s
Road Central, Hong Kong

T: (852) 2526 6311
F: (852) 2845 0638