
In order to establish a presence in Singapore's competitive legal environment, boutique law firms are endeavouring to create a distinctive formula for success. To excel beyond their size, these firms must offer specialised services to their clients, remain informed about the latest legal advancements, and leverage technology to enhance operational efficiency. Nichol Yeo, director at Nine Yards Chambers, shares his insights with ALB.



How does Nine Yards Chambers LLC’s boutique structure allow for greater agility and personalized service in handling complex litigation cases across all levels of Singa-pore courts?

There is a flat hierarchy which means that our lawyers within a team take on tasks inter-changeably. It is not uncommon to have a senior lawyer preparing first drafts or taking instructions. Our clients are familiar and comfortable with every lawyer within the team. This makes client management and communication easier. When the entire team moves and understands what the client goals are, it is much easier for us to move the same direction.

Can you share an example of how your firm’s practical and strategic approach has led to a successful outcome for a client, both in the courtroom and beyond?

We had a case where the counterparty was particularly litigious, and had more resources than our client. Litigation was being launched in multiple jurisdictions, quite possibly to exhaust our client’s resources. We had to conserve our client’s resources to ensure that its operations continued and to ensure the viability of its businesses. We successfully applied for an anti-suit injunction to stop foreign proceedings, leaving a single set of proceedings. This brought down the temperature and parties eventually settled. Quite thankfully, the client’s businesses and operations survived and thrived after the litigation.

Nine Yards Chambers LLC offers expertise in various specialized areas, from disputes involving listed companies to urgent injunctive relief. How does this diverse range of expertise benefit clients facing multifaceted legal challenges?

We add value when our key knowledge areas come together. For example, in a hostile takeover situation involving a listed company, timing is crucial. Our on-the-ground knowledge of how much time we have to prepare for an injunction and to get a hearing date is crucial to the viability of the application and to meet the client’s goals. In that same context, being able to understand and deal with the impact of queries of other stakeholders and regulators also allow us to anticipate how litigation unfolds. This prepares the client for a wider range of outcomes, reducing any unpleasant and unexpected surprises.


Nichol Yeo
Director, Counsel



Nine Yards Chambers LLC
1 Coleman Street, The Adelphi #05-03, Singapore 179803