Magic Circle law firm Clifford Chance has launched new gender, ethnicity and LGBT+ targets both globally and regionally as part of an updated diversity and inclusion strategy.

The firm’s new targets include at least 40 percent female and at least 40 percent male global partners in the firm by 2030; increasing the proportion of female partners by 25 percent by 2025 and by 60 percent by 2030 in both APAC and the UK; and gender targets of at least 40 percent female and at least 40 percent male are to be extended at all levels throughout the firm's structures at a global and regional level by 2025.

In addition, Clifford Chance has declared its first global LGBT+ partner-level target of 3 percent by 2025. The firm’s has also adopted its first minority ethnicity targets for the U.S. and the UK, aiming for them to make up 15 percent of new partners and 30 percent of senior associates and senior business professionals by 2025.

"Creating an inclusive environment is at the heart of our Clifford Chance values, and is good for our industry, our firm, our colleagues and our clients,” global managing partner Matthew Layton said.


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