Commercial Disputes

The landscape of commercial disputes in China is rapidly evolving, with the following key characteristics: disputes are becoming increasingly complex, the degree of foreign involvement is deepening, intellectual property and data privacy disputes are becoming hotspots, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods are gaining favor.

As China's economy continues to grow rapidly and international trade becomes increasingly close, the number of commercial disputes involving Chinese entities is increasing, and the types of disputes are becoming more complex and diverse. These disputes often span multiple jurisdictions and require resolution under different legal systems, which places higher professional and compliance requirements on the parties involved.

In recent years, as China's technological innovation continues to gather momentum, intellectual property protection has received increasing attention, and the number of related disputes has grown significantly. In addition, the promulgation and implementation of China's Personal Information Protection Law has put forward higher requirements for data privacy protection and has also led to more data governance disputes in cross-border commercial activities.

In response to the complexity of commercial disputes, ADR methods such as arbitration and mediation are becoming increasingly popular due to their advantages of efficiency, confidentiality, and cost-effectiveness. Compared with traditional litigation, ADR methods can resolve disputes more quickly and flexibly, reduce litigation costs, and protect business secrets.

These changes present both new challenges and new opportunities for commercial legal services in China. Legal service providers need to continuously improve their professional capabilities, expand their service areas, and innovate their service models in order to provide clients with high-quality and efficient commercial dispute resolution services.

To gain a deeper understanding of these evolving trends and their impact on business disputes, the 2025 ALB Guide to Commercial Dispute Resolution will be your guide to resolving disputes in a challenging business environment, helping you:

  • Understand the changing legal landscape and its potential impact on your business.
  • Master alternative methods of resolving commercial disputes, such as arbitration and mediation, and understand their advantages and limitations.
  • Obtain expert advice from leading industry legal professionals.

ALB now sincerely invites more contributors and supporting organizations to join hands on the publication of the handbook.

The handbook will reach over 50,000 legal professionals in the Asia Pacific. Free copies of the handbooks/legal guides will be distributed to in-house counsels, chartered secretaries in Hong Kong, China and Singapore, business associations and chambers, international associations of CFOs and Corporate Treasurers and more!

开放撰写:欢迎参与《ALB 中国商事争议解决指南2025》






为了深入理解这些不断变化的趋势及其对商业纠纷的影响,《2025 ALB 商事纠纷法律指南》将成为您在充满挑战的商业环境中应对纠纷的指南,助您了解不断变化的法律格局及其对您开展业务的潜在影响,掌握解决商事纠纷的替代性方法,例如仲裁和调解的优势和局限性, 获得来自行业领先法律专业人士的专家意见。




Time & Schedule


8 October 2024


1 November 2024


6 December 2024








The following chapters are still available


Part 1: The Evolving Landscape of Commercial Disputes in China


Chapter 1: Navigating the New Normal: Key Trends Shaping the Dispute Resolution Landscape


  • The Rise of Strategic Litigation and its Implications
  • Cross-Border Disputes: Managing Complexity in a Globalized Market
  • Technological Transformation: Embracing Innovation in Dispute Resolution


Chapter 2: The Impact on Business Operations: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Assessing Risk Profiles and Developing Dispute Prevention Strategies
  • Leveraging ADR Mechanisms for Efficient and Cost-Effective Resolution
  • Utilizing Dispute Resolution Clauses for Strategic Advantage


Part 2: Deconstructing the Legal Framework for Dispute Resolution


Chapter 3: Jurisdiction and Choice of Law


  • Navigating the Labyrinth of Jurisdictional Challenges in Cross-Border Disputes
  • Employing Strategic Choice of Law Clauses for Predictability and Control
  • The Evolving Role of International Treaties and Conventions


Chapter 4: Enforcement Mechanisms: Securing Relief in a Multi-Jurisdictional World


  • Recognizing and Enforcing Foreign Judgments: Balancing Efficiency and Fairness
  • Enforcing Arbitral Awards: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges
  • The Intersection of Domestic Law and International Instruments


Part 4: Specialized Dispute Areas and Considerations


Chapter 8: Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes: Protecting Innovation in a Competitive Market


  • Strategic Considerations for Enforcement Actions: Balancing Cost and Effectiveness
  • Addressing Cross-Border IP Infringement: Utilizing International Enforcement Mechanisms
  • The Rise of Trade Secrets Disputes and their Unique Challenges


Chapter 9: Data Privacy Disputes in the PIPL Era

  • Balancing Data Security Obligations with Business Continuity
  • Managing Cross-Border Data Transfers in the Age of Data Localization
  • Effective Strategies for Navigating Data Breach Incidents and Regulatory Investigations

Chapter 10: Contractual Disputes: Achieving Clarity and Avoiding Litigation

  • Drafting Watertight Contractual Clauses for Dispute Prevention
  • Employing Effective Dispute Resolution Clauses to Navigate Potential Conflicts
  • Emerging Issues in Contract Interpretation and Breach of Contract Remedies


Part 5: Practical Guidance and Resources



第一章 驾驭新常态:塑造争议解决格局的关键趋势

  • 战略性诉讼的兴起及其影响
  • 跨境争议:管理全球化市场中的复杂性
  • 科技转型:拥抱争议解决领域的创新

第二章 对商业运营的影响:挑战与机遇

  • 评估风险状况并制定纠纷预防策略
  • 利用 ADR 机制实现高效和经济高效的解决
  • 利用争议解决条款获得战略优势


第三章 全球化时代的管辖权和法律选择

  • 驾驭跨境争议中管辖权挑战的迷宫
  • 运用战略性法律选择条款实现可预测性和控制权
  • 国际条约和公约不断演变的角色

第四章 强制执行机制:在多司法管辖区环境中获得救济

  • 承认和执行外国判决:平衡效率和公平
  • 执行仲裁裁决:克服挑战的策略
  • 国内法与国际文书的交集


第八章 知识产权 (IP) 争议:保护竞争市场中的创新

  • 强制执行行动的战略考虑:平衡成本和效益
  • 解决跨境知识产权侵权:利用国际强制执行机制
  • 商业秘密争议的兴起及其独特挑战

第九章 个人信息保护法 (PIPL) 时代的隐私权争议

  • 平衡数据安全义务和业务连续性
  • 管理数据本地化要求时代跨境数据转移
  • 应对数据泄露事件和监管调查的有效策略

第十章 合同争议:实现清晰避免诉讼

  • 起草严密的水准合同条款以预防纠纷
  • 运用有效的争议解决条款应对潜在冲突
  • 合同解释和违约救济的新兴问题




Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute a chapter or guide today. For more information, please contact one of our representatives:

Amantha Chia 谢京庭
Head of Legal Media Business, Asia & Emerging Markets
电话/Teams Call: +65 6973 8258
Yvonne Cheung 张裕裕
China Key Accounts
+86 186 1421 3275
Steven Zhao 赵树群
China Key Accounts
+86 18610048891
Steffi Yang 杨绮繁
South and West China
+86 136 8326 8390

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Hong Kong
+852 9299 5717
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Sales Manager
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+81 90 9858 3364
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