Delhi-based law firm Aureus Law Partners has brought city-based senior independent litigator Niki Kantawala on board as a senior partner, along with three of his associates.

Kantawala is expected to bolster Aureus’ arbitration and litigation strengths, according to Abhishek Dutta, founder and managing partner of the firm. “This is a step forward in Aureus’ attempt to consolidate our dispute resolution footprint across the country,” he said.

The recently established Aureus is also looking to hire a senior Uttaranchal-based tax lawyer as it continues expanding. It will open its Mumbai office in April, and also plans to launch in smaller cities. The firm currently also has a Melbourne office through which it carries out a major chunk of its overseas business developments.

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Aureus hires senior Delhi litigator

by Vasundhara Chatterjee |

Delhi-based law firm Aureus Law Partners has brought city-based senior independent litigator Niki Kantawala on board as a senior partner, along with three of his associates.