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Arnold Bloch Leibler has promoted four of its senior associates to the partnership, including the son of senior partner Mark Leibler AC. The appointments represent a fourfold increase from the firm’s 2010 round, where just one partner appointment was announced. The new partners are Jeremy Leibler, Caroline Goulden, Matthew Lees, and Genevieve Sexton.

Leibler junior joined the firm in 2003 following his studies at Monash University where he was awarded the Supreme Court Prize for best honours student. He was made senior associate in 2009 while the three other new partners also joined the firm as articled clerks in 2003 and reached senior associate level in 2008. Liebler’s core practice areas include commercial and corporate law focusing on M&A, takeover defences and public and private capital raisings.

Fellow new partner Sexton also practices commercial law, specialising in debt and equity financing and has advised on a range of matters including project finance, property development finance, mezzanine finance, joint ventures, shareholder arrangements, corporate restructures and corporate refinancing. Goulden and Lees are commercial litigators.

A spokesperson for ABL said the firm was focused on promoting staff and providing them with opportunities to progress. The firm also promoted eight new senior associates.

New partners:
Caroline Goulden, litigation & dispute resolution, Melbourne
Matthew Lees, litigation & competition, Melbourne
Jeremy Leibler, commercial & corporate, Melbourne
Genevieve Sexton, banking & finance, Melbourne

New senior associates:
Tiffany Barmann, commercial & corporate, Melbourne
Jennifer Collins, litigation & dispute resolution, Melbourne
Lisa Lane, property & development, Melbourne
Daniel Mote, banking & finance, Melbourne
Gary Segal, banking & finance, Sydney
Bridget Slocum, litigation & dispute resolution, Melbourne
Andrea Towson, property, development & planning, Melbourne
Clare Varghese, commercial & private clients, Melbourne

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