Son of founding partner, A.P. Rajah and head of Tan Rajah & Cheah’s dispute resolution team, Chelva Rajah is the first Singapore appointed member of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Arbitral Tribunal. He will serve on the panel for a term of four years.

Widely accepted as an honour to be appointed to the Tribunal, members are recognized as persons of high moral character who currently hold or have held high judicial office in a Commonwealth country or are jurisconsults with at least 10 years’ experience.

Rajah is also a director of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and was president of the Law Society of Singapore from 1990-1992. He held the position of Judicial Commissioner of the High Court of Singapore from 1995-1997 was appointed senior counsel on 10 Jan 1998. He is on the panel of Accredited Arbitrators and was appointed chairman of Maxwell Chambers in August 2008 – a position he held until his appointment to the Board of SIAC in 2010.

The Tribunal was established by the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1995 as an internal arbitral body to deal with contractual disputes within the jurisdictions of the secretariat.ALB

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